

Saturday, August 25, 2007

phew sooo many daes did not post already...thinking of wat to post todae??...arr sooo sianx ( now listening rainie 缺氧) so nice luffit..

erm....i dunt quite like rainie's hairstyle...quite sucking lex..the jellyfish a fake one.....very anxious for her upcomin album...bcos i am afraid that it will be lousier then [暧昧]and [遇上爱] this one is called [任意门] alot of fast song ...she said...cant imagine she singing fast songs...but still haf to accept it...duh....

8:10 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

hey guys todae is mmm..19 august which is my best best friend b'dae..( actually not..bcos hers is another dae more) so guess who is she>>>she is wantinggg..tiongting..wanton mee or just tingzz..haaahaaa..sooo many wanting i noe u love turtles so maybe i wanna help u continue the turtle generation..jkjk...larxx..

ok lets ccc...1 patience, 2 patience, 3 charity, 4 charity, 5 love, many years we were inthe same class lex this frienship is very precious ...dunt brake it!!jkjk...ok happy b'dae!!!wanting

11:47 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

erm lets c todae is 19th august 2007..1 more dae to my best fwen's b'dae..:)..i will nv forget her b'dae..cos she's my 6 yrs fwen from p1 to p6..she is obviously wantingg..tinggtingg..wanton mee or just tingzz...haahaaa...

lets c 1patience, 2patience, 3charity, 4 charity, 5love, many classes..6yrs is a long frienship takes a long to haf our frienship bear such a big "fruit"!! wanting rite??? at first i thought wanting was very quiet but my thinking was wrong...actually she was quite talkative..
then it was probably we always the same class then we started to talk...lar...1 more dae to ur b, dae wanting !!!happy b'dae

11:47 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

wow!!it was such along time since i had posted..dunch noe why..cuz bz studying my common tests srry week will my common test..sosianz...lar..eng,math,chines,his...dun think this time can score welll..didnt really work hard fer it maybe i am too lazy and slacking..everydae singing in my room and waiting for 24th august where i can celebrate the end of my common test and the dae when rainie release her new album!! exhilirating!must support her...sat wanna cum out wiv mee..cuz long time nv went out..iwanna buy her album...

12:26 AM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

hey guys!!!posted again...
yesterdae was terrible i went home at 6.00pm bcos of the cool marist practise..very tired lex..cos u need to jump sad as i fell down during the practice..duh..its painful...and tiring..dancing really is hard..singing was much more better..and i think acting was easier too..

kk..todae was funny^^when maths teacher ,miss toh came into the class everyone was like so scared as yesterdae we, in the assembly , we voted for miss toh to come up to the stage...haahaaa and she was pointing her finger at us( telling us that we are dead!!!) but luckily she did not scold us
but joked with us and said that we are her fav class!!!so happy^^
currently listening to s.h.e[五月天]

1:48 AM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Friday, August 10, 2007

ello!! posting again...
phew finally dinish doin my happy and revising my hatest subject [history] oh my..larx.everyone, do ure like the national dae celebration ithk it roxx lar...except for some inconsiderate fellows who thk it was the worst amongst the national dae.....~~there were three combination of,water and air..soooo nice..then ilove the "umbrella flag" it was sooo breative~~ they shld sing"under my umbrella..ela...."~~~jkjk..

7:10 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

hey guys so long did not post and now so many things to sae to u all....
haaaahaaazz...lets seee wat shld i start with..
oh yeah todae was the eve of national dae..and and we did go back to primary sch but that stupid and e-dio-tic!!security guard blocked us lar..and then dun even get to go in the sch for the memorable foood that i longed for..arrr..sad lar..but i did have a gd chat with my pri sch guys..haaahaazz^^ and GRACE HAPPY B'DAE!!haahaaazz, srry fer not buying b'dae present fer yew..

ok next..[the marist cool boy..] dots
ok i think you've heard of this marist cool boy..if u visited my last post..and this 怪怪 event was like so 怪 until i cant paint my face yellow as it had turned tooooo redish..oh gosh --"" mr kwok said that these contestant( including mii) will shoot some photographs and they gonna ENLARGE the big photograph fer the students to vote for the Mr photogynic!!! wakao!!! gosh larrr..and then the sadest and fright news that i heard was that the photographer said i lk very..sad in the photo...gosh larrr!!!..and sth ( gd/bad) to tell u all..i wld haf to dance in front of u marist free style!!!fer 30s...duh gosh larr i dunt even noe how to dance professionally and i thk other contestant sure dance better than mii lar sad..sia...(erm i m so nervous)...

bye guys!

3:44 AM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

hey guys posted again,
todae was quite a draggy but a dae with full of..duh...surprises and wateva....oh yeah sth gd or bad..dunch really noe..i was voted for the so called " Marist boy of 1 henry" ..and i think have to perform sth for the national dae..or teacher's dae..the scariest thing was to do catwalk larr..!!!!arr...actually..mrs chia chose mii theres a reason behind this competition...sth to do with singing larr..arr actually should be sae keong doin it but mrs chia ask us both to " scissors paper stone ' but i won so i had to go..arr so anxious how to do catwalk>.....oh no...

6:03 AM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Welcome Signs Words

Welcome Signs Words

Hi there! Welcome to shun feng the boy who sings everydae's blog.
This are shunfeng's daily life things.
If you hate my bloggy, do press alt+f4 :D AND YA OUTTA HERE!

Shunfengzz particulars:)

Borned tuhH be namEd~Yap Shun feng~
currently~13 years old~
Dropped to a place called ww@nderland on~20th April 1994~
A cute little famous pop st@r of ~Maris Stella High~
@ bowling AmAtUeR
A yellow bee geylang methodist...years ago..
a boy who loves to sing so much....can u hear me singing?^^
music, family, friends and study is my life
sometimes i am a bit overjoyed in singing,so please stand me...^^

MySpace images


The Glitter of Lurve -.}

Rainie Yang
Angela Chang
Listening to music
6 love
my voice
goin out with friendzies


i hate to crack my brain.
hate to die, to study, to boo-hoo-hoo, to blar.
i also hate, flirts, snatches, backstabbers, heartbreakers, playboys... so on.
Not to have too much hatred is good. You'll have more happiness.

Fairy godmother's job..

make me my own debut album
let me sing with Rainie Yang
help me travel around the world
give me many friends
make me famous
(i guess my "want" list is too i shortened it)

My friends!
*Wan ting*
*6 love*

The Chatters.}

The Past.}
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007

The Credits.}
WARNING! Puh-lease no removing of anything in here! Or you'll be fined, by me ser-vere-ly. :]
Base Codings:sugar-starx
Resources: x x x x
Designer:Blog. Blogskin'sProfile.
Copyrighted Xylophone 2007.
the music of life.}
the melodies...}
1.s.h.e wu yue tian 2.s.h.e shuo ni ai wo 3.cyndi ai de tian ling ling 4.s.h.e zhong guo hua 5.angela meng li hua 6.xiao gui & genie ai de zu xuan lu 7.Rainie guo min 8.Avril Lavgine Girlfriend 9.stefanie ni guang 10.mika Grace Kelly