

Saturday, July 28, 2007

happy birthdae my best friend..oo..abit too late larxx. cuz his birthdae was on the 27th..
happy belated b'dae rui hao..aka guess wat i bought fer was quite ex. but ok nvm its ur one and only n'dae but i bet u will like it very much..mondae u would noe..and srry fer not turning up ur gathering as i have to attend my cousin's party if not get killed by mama..duh..--" haaaaa

abit excited todae cuz jiamin's gonna help me get s.h.e's signatures lar..oo..cuz they cumin for advertising their album..yesterdae was their concert..didn't go but nvm..dots..

and another gd news to tell u team won the singapore literature book trailer festival!!yeah we were so shocked as we thought we were quite lousy and lack of confident..but when they announced Maris Stella came in the 3rd place we were surprised and delighted!! haaahaaa hope next time can participate again!!加油!!

9:36 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

todae was the 2.4 run....arr..yeah!!!!i passed already..haahaa but got an e-grade..duh..suddenly so sianxxx..cos of the stupid E..nvm lar work harder the next time lorXx..horr...haaahaaa^^..and gd news haha minquan passed his 2.4!!yes gd for him as throughout the whole dae he was so worried..^^..luckily he passed and then maynard was like so ecstatic as he was position first lar..he ran sofast..ruihao, best fwen, ran with me together, luckily there's him if not i wouldnt had passed..^^..

then there's bad news too cuzz..minquan got so called "raped" larrxx..cuz theres a sec 3-4 marist went to touch minquan's shoulder and cheeks!! and that was like so "piantai"!! gosh!! nvm then when minquan ran finish the run and was damn tired..minquan said he was gonna die..and that gay guy told him "eh u ok or cannot die!!" oh my god that was so mushy..duh..minquan just dun care abt that guy..thk the positive way..i think he was caring abt u...larxx

4:06 AM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Monday, July 23, 2007

hey guys posted again! so =) ..haahaaa...todae was quite fun as there was assembly.and the act was so funny especially the malay guy...u noe marist..he talked like ( bangla) not being racist...and they walk like robots lollol..oh ya guys jus saying fer no reasons those who like or love rainie songs, pls go hear her new song..( 缺氧) damn nice..arr..what more shld i tok..dunno just bb..

3:04 AM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Friday, July 20, 2007

yeah guys finally posted lar!!! happy finally hgot time to post ler! cos recently i had lots of projects and tests comin up and have to go fer training and competitions, rehersals...blahbla........haahaaa..damn busy..sorry for 忽略ing you guys...

hahaas..lets tok abt sch things first cos lots of special things to tok abt!!
haaahaa..i recently had a music project on music, asking us to present something abt ur fav song using words, animations, videos or pictures!!haahaa..that was fun lar..and guess i got to present my precious song [暧昧] and of course i was like damn happy! then another thingy...haha i passed napfa sia!! yeah! let me tell u the results
sit up- 53!
shuttle run-10.1s
sit and reach-38cm
inclined pull up-28 times
standing broad jump-217 cm!
(dun sae i proud ok....)pls =(
daaadaa...then so happy s.h.e cumin singapore..but sadly i cant go cuz sth on then jiamin..said sheeee want to help me get their signatures!!!so happy sia....
currently listening tuhh one of the
best songs ever[ umbrella] under my umbrella......

7:44 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

OO...todaes gonna go REgina's b'dae party!!! long nv party anymore lex...haahaa..i bought presents for her already...i think its quite common among the b'dae presents larss..nothing Regina..choosing presents for you guys..are hard..then one thing funny ish..i thought about how regina's dad gonna drive so many of us to her b'dae was like ridiculous...ohoh..then when i knew the answer, i laughed out her dad drives a bus..haaahaa...thats very smart of her to ask her father drive us..=)...

5:24 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

pics todae???nah nah...cos too busy....nowadaes...arr so many hws and projects lah!!Damn stress i wnt to quit shc how???also no freedom...and was very boring nowadaes..aiya..later have to go for cca sad......haben been posting for so long...lar

ok todae..wat was the "funnest" lesson...
oh yeah!!IT leson was Mr loo asked us to imagine the ten items he said in our mind...and then memorise it...ok ....then he said thk of sth...that u like alot..and sth related to the ten items...wat did i thought of???u guys most admire..woman i my entire life...Rainie!!haahaa....then next was maths lesson...our class..said that Miss Toh was RACES!!!cos she said that my fwen was a bagla as he was backish..haahaa..ok ok stop talking anymore bb..

11:55 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

todae was damn fun baby!!!!oh my god went bowling, then go kbox again....."shuang"!!!haahaa so wat did u all do durung ur daes.....went out or just staying at your own house doin stuffs....dun be so boring guys...cheer up ......bcos u todae is ur dae..u shld me...happy-go-lucky.....haaahaa!!!!!..guys rmb to buckup for ur oncomin exam hor...jiayoujiayou....yeah!!!!aini!!

6:35 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Welcome Signs Words

Welcome Signs Words

Hi there! Welcome to shun feng the boy who sings everydae's blog.
This are shunfeng's daily life things.
If you hate my bloggy, do press alt+f4 :D AND YA OUTTA HERE!

Shunfengzz particulars:)

Borned tuhH be namEd~Yap Shun feng~
currently~13 years old~
Dropped to a place called ww@nderland on~20th April 1994~
A cute little famous pop st@r of ~Maris Stella High~
@ bowling AmAtUeR
A yellow bee geylang methodist...years ago..
a boy who loves to sing so much....can u hear me singing?^^
music, family, friends and study is my life
sometimes i am a bit overjoyed in singing,so please stand me...^^

MySpace images


The Glitter of Lurve -.}

Rainie Yang
Angela Chang
Listening to music
6 love
my voice
goin out with friendzies


i hate to crack my brain.
hate to die, to study, to boo-hoo-hoo, to blar.
i also hate, flirts, snatches, backstabbers, heartbreakers, playboys... so on.
Not to have too much hatred is good. You'll have more happiness.

Fairy godmother's job..

make me my own debut album
let me sing with Rainie Yang
help me travel around the world
give me many friends
make me famous
(i guess my "want" list is too i shortened it)

My friends!
*Wan ting*
*6 love*

The Chatters.}

The Past.}
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007

The Credits.}
WARNING! Puh-lease no removing of anything in here! Or you'll be fined, by me ser-vere-ly. :]
Base Codings:sugar-starx
Resources: x x x x
Designer:Blog. Blogskin'sProfile.
Copyrighted Xylophone 2007.
the music of life.}
the melodies...}
1.s.h.e wu yue tian 2.s.h.e shuo ni ai wo 3.cyndi ai de tian ling ling 4.s.h.e zhong guo hua 5.angela meng li hua 6.xiao gui & genie ai de zu xuan lu 7.Rainie guo min 8.Avril Lavgine Girlfriend 9.stefanie ni guang 10.mika Grace Kelly