

Thursday, May 31, 2007

yeah!!!we are goin back to primary sch again! so excited......haha...mrs neo sae she needs us to help her pack some stuffs....hope alot of people will be goin.....

then saturdae..we will e goin to mrs neo house again...but i maybe not goin.....cos alot of people also not goin...mmmm...aiya actually can eat mrs neo's delicacies!!!so gd......i am so desperate to taste them!!!and i am also very desperate to see ALDEN!!! (MRS NEO'S son)....oooo.....

bye guys...

8:50 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

hey guys....

happy vesak dae!!!

11:18 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Hey guys ....any1 did not recognise my bloggy? cos its totally bloggy needs to make up bcos last time one is a bit old...and cant see my imeem playlists...i m sorry 4 that

heyguys...guess wat..i am goin out to watch..pirates of the carribean!!!yeah!!!with benjamin& goodie fwenzies.....^^so happy...and now i am "fashioning"..deciding wat i shld where...haha...

hey guys..another cousin just came back from hong kong...and she said she saw Tank!!!wow i was like so jealous...i thk Tank is holding a "qian chang hui" over there....and she also saw Sun ho on the Aeroplane..she was DAMN lucky!!!!!....^^

7:19 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Listening to Rainie's songs........
hooray!!!!!!hooray!!!later goin to bugis..and guess wat?i can get to see my very very very very......[idol]..Rainie Yang!!!hooray!she came to Singapore is bcos she is having a "qian chang hui" for her new movie" Spider Lilies"..sad thing is i cant see the show bcos it is nc16..oooo...but nv mind can c her face can already....yeah Rainie rox!!!

7:52 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

aiya..todae is a bit boring...cos actually goin out with benjamin and minquan but i ill todae..hahaa
damn it!!!cant watch [Pirates of the carribeans]!!!!so damn angry lor..rrr.i so ill..=( the whole dae juswartching..television..sometimes i long for a long break but now no..cos its so boring!!!wat shld i do..over these daes?now actually i am listening to Avril Lavgine's song..i especially love 1 song called[Girlfriend] It rox man...its kinda rock&roll..but i like it...u guys might wanna hear! em let me think wat shld i do during my holidaes.....composing songs?..maybe..goin out? while can..but not too hw?..finish already..except for lit..listen to songs?...of cos...volunteery work..sure..actually theres many things to do..its just the matter of whether u r lazy or not...hahaaa...kk..HAPPY HOLIDAES!!!!

11:15 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Yeah!!!! later goin out to Singapore Expo to taste all the delicious food=p wow cant resist my temptation....always hungry...but i think a lot of people will be goin there ......wat shld i eat over much as i want...since i nt hat fat lar....haahaas....i think that food is the best thing in the world....thank god for the creation of food.....

8:13 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Composing songs ish another hobby of me i always love to compose songs....and finally i had compose a piece of music...i heard it for abt four times in the recording room and i thought it was very chance i will let u all hear my song is a chinese pop ballad with slow and soothing rhythm....and has sth to do with love sorrows....i think this song is a bit touching...the title of this song is called{ai qing mo shu he}...[the magicbox of love]....hope u all will like it.....

10:55 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

yeah todae i had confirm all my results....they r quite ok the sense that there are good ones and bad ones..wat should i say first ,the good ones or the bad ones????lets start with the main subjects..^^English.....the worst marks i ever get...i only achieved 53%!!!!shocking rite!!!no lar actually not..cos my English is always bad
...that was quite close as i failed my main paper but my paper1 pulled me up..phew..then Maths...haahaa i managed to achieve an A1! i got &77% for it which was 7th in class...yeah...then chinese...i was quite satisfied for my chinese as i manage to top for it with an A1 of 77.5% !!!!hooray!!!then bes friend, min quan top for it , and i was happy for him...i got a B4 for literature stil quite ok....lor...then geography which was the subject i worried the most....i managed to achieve a B4 for it .....60%....still ok lar...then lastly for art i scored 77% also which was an A1....lucky for sa1 i nv fail if not i will face my mother's wrath!!!my parents said that they r satisfied with my results but ask me to do better.....the next time....wish u guys get high marks for ur exams tooo!!!

11:33 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Friday, May 18, 2007


10:19 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.


10:16 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

goin to holidae.....yeah!!so relax now haahhaa can use com almost everydae...hmmmm...wat shld...i post todae....a ha!..let me ask u all a gd question....wat r ur dreams ? i think u all will noe my dream rite? to be a very very very very famous popstar...why ....maybe it is influenced by rainie i started practise singing during my free time ...thats the only way to improve ur singing....i heard alot of singer's songs...from them, i started inheriting some tecniques and styles of these singers and finally i had my own style of being a singer..if i really become a singer, u all mus support me ok? i need u guys' support....i noe i will faced a lot of difficulties becoming a singer parents disagreed me becoming a singer,becos they said it is tough...of course it is tough but since i want, i will have to do my best...........any1 also share the same dream as me??? desperate to become a singer.......okies....jus to give u an not give up ur dream,pursue it if u really want...

9:22 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


11:54 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Friday, May 11, 2007


jus now went library with jia min and meiyi.....meiyi said a lot abt her sch life ....i think can compile into a diary...xoxo...haha....then the whole dae listening to s.h.e song it rocks man!!!!!got 1 song call "say you love me", when i sang until the second chorus, i suddenly cried! i did not noe y??????perhaps the song was too touching already ...cant controll my tears.....u all have to go and hear this song ....."say you love me"xoxo....yesterdae was one of my fav dae during my "holidaes" cos watched movie with they all already and then went to arcade .......then lstly went to KBOX!!!!!!!!!!!YEAH sang alot of songs......aimei,meng li hua,......and many others....

11:23 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Today is another holidae for me! so happy!!!later goin out with they all!!!!haha so happy cos i love to go out so long nv go out......later i wanna buy s.h.e album then watch spiderman 3 yeah!!!missed my fwens man.......5 daes cannot see week get back my sa1 results...[hao jing zhang!!!!] oooo.....xoxo....dun think i can do well....kk nth much to sae anymore

8:30 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007 today was so free man!!!!no need go school for 5 days! u all mus be jealous todae at 933 hear a lot of new song....i heard s.h.e new song, cyndi new song, kenji new song, stefanie sun's new song....etc and also rainie so excited tomorrow goin out..mus bring some money cos surely will use a lot of i wan to buy s.h.e new albu[PLAY] MUS BUY OK? cos it rocks ....any1 is their fan? haahaa i noe 1 ,Low Jia Min....she loves s.h.e......i am like advertising s.h.e new album.....change i played com the whole dae then blogging and ghostonline....ps2-ing......haahaa wow so damn free maybe goin bowling later.....kkk i noe i m "loso".....then i will end my post here bb....

8:22 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

OOOPS THE PICTURE ISH SLANTED........................
HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!Exam is finally over!!!!wow it was such a hard time studying for them lor! now that it is over, can play yeah!!!!so when i think of the days i studied for all my exams, ithink it is worth it....because there's an idiom saying " if you put in hardship, you will surely get your reward" phew!!!yeah tomorrow going to bowling! so long time nv bowl already...feel like i am just an amatuer....haha.....mus practise more cos holiday no training=)...yeah friday goin out with weiqiang, wanting they all so happy...(watching spiderman 3) any1 wanna come? hope that all ur exams r over.......guys mus work hard hor!!!jia you!!!!cos u will get ur reward once u put in hard work...hehee...JIA YOU!!!!!!!!!!

8:22 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Friday, May 4, 2007

oh phew.....exam's gonna be over....monday ish geography..revising now...yeah jus now went library with jia min and meiyi...they bought me prezzies!!although ish belated...iam still glad that they did not forget their best friend's's a pity that they did not cum my party...when i was walking home jus now, i went to mcdonald to grab a bite, guess wat isaw jeslyn, she was like so ah lian lar...and with her bunch of friends sitting there chatting something....seems like she's becoming worst...i saw and she saw me too,but i ignored her...=( [THANK U JIAMIN AND MEIYI!!!!] lol...oh yeah s.h.e...releasing new album cool....gonna buy...oopsy gotta rush for my revision or else mum will nag at me.....


10:35 PM
Yflip floppers are just love.

Welcome Signs Words

Welcome Signs Words

Hi there! Welcome to shun feng the boy who sings everydae's blog.
This are shunfeng's daily life things.
If you hate my bloggy, do press alt+f4 :D AND YA OUTTA HERE!

Shunfengzz particulars:)

Borned tuhH be namEd~Yap Shun feng~
currently~13 years old~
Dropped to a place called ww@nderland on~20th April 1994~
A cute little famous pop st@r of ~Maris Stella High~
@ bowling AmAtUeR
A yellow bee geylang methodist...years ago..
a boy who loves to sing so much....can u hear me singing?^^
music, family, friends and study is my life
sometimes i am a bit overjoyed in singing,so please stand me...^^

MySpace images


The Glitter of Lurve -.}

Rainie Yang
Angela Chang
Listening to music
6 love
my voice
goin out with friendzies


i hate to crack my brain.
hate to die, to study, to boo-hoo-hoo, to blar.
i also hate, flirts, snatches, backstabbers, heartbreakers, playboys... so on.
Not to have too much hatred is good. You'll have more happiness.

Fairy godmother's job..

make me my own debut album
let me sing with Rainie Yang
help me travel around the world
give me many friends
make me famous
(i guess my "want" list is too i shortened it)

My friends!
*Wan ting*
*6 love*

The Chatters.}

The Past.}
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007

The Credits.}
WARNING! Puh-lease no removing of anything in here! Or you'll be fined, by me ser-vere-ly. :]
Base Codings:sugar-starx
Resources: x x x x
Designer:Blog. Blogskin'sProfile.
Copyrighted Xylophone 2007.
the music of life.}
the melodies...}
1.s.h.e wu yue tian 2.s.h.e shuo ni ai wo 3.cyndi ai de tian ling ling 4.s.h.e zhong guo hua 5.angela meng li hua 6.xiao gui & genie ai de zu xuan lu 7.Rainie guo min 8.Avril Lavgine Girlfriend 9.stefanie ni guang 10.mika Grace Kelly